Fibre Textile based exhibition curated by Ahn Wells
featuring artists Brett Alexander, Christian Kauter, Robyn Nunan, John Parkes, Emily Roberts, Martin Trew
Wed June 30 - Sat July 17 2010
Opening Thursday 1 July 2010, 6-8pm

Handwise III is the third in a series of exhibitions curated by Ahn Wells based on an initial concept of creating works that are fibre/textile based. A range of artists, both local and from further afield, have been asked to contribute new work that falls somewhere, loosely or firmly, within this surprisingly diverse genre. As well as showcasing the work of talented individual artists, the aim of Handwise is to widen audiences expectations and understanding of what fibre/textile art is and can be.
Handwise I was held in 2008 at John Paynter Gallery. Wells organised the exhibition and participated as an artist. Soozie Combe, Jessica Coughlan, Emma-Lee Crane, Belinda Howden, Anna King, Olivia Parsonage and Niomi Sands also showed their work which included woven twigs, crocheted copperwire, a giant material fork and a film of a sewing machine popping bubble wrap. In 2009 Handwise II was again exhibited at the John Paynter Gallery. This time Wells became the curator and did not participate as an artist. A new selection of artists were invited to participate. They were Nerida Ackland, Kim Blunt, Bree Cunningham, Gillian Shaw and Joy Smith. While these artist were asked to stay faithful to the original concept, they evolved and extended it. Resulting in paper adorning the gallery wall, eerily formed heads made from muslin material, recycled platted ties and the highly technical traditional tapestry weaving.
This year Handwise III moves to PODspace Gallery where Wells volunteers as a co-director. Brett Alexander, Christian Kauter, Robyn Nunan, John Parkes, Emily Roberts and Martin Trew will exhibit their work in a group show which promises to produce further new insights into the fibre/textile discipline.
Ahn Wells is a local artist with a strong connection to the Newcastle arts community having studied and exhibited here for the past 10 years. Her work is fibre/textile based while also having a strong interest in drawing and work on paper. She works from Studio 25, Newcastle Community Arts Centre, 246 Parry St Newcastle West NSW 2302.
Over the years Wells has met the Handwise artists either through study, overseas travel or via her own exhibition practice. She invites them to participate because their practices, as well as appealing to her own particular sensibilities, all having the unique potential to inform, advance and enhance the Handwise concept.