PODspace is an exhibition and education program managed on a voluntary basis by a group of emerging curators and artists.

PODspace stopped operating as a traditional gallery at the end of 2012, before experimenting with pop up exhibitions in 2013. During 2014 PODspace will again retain the pop up exhibition format, working with partners to activate spaces around Newcastle.

NOTE: THIS BLOG IS NOW CLOSED. For all the latest news and events from PODspace, go to http://octapod.org/podspace/

PLEASE ASK permission before using any images from this site: podspace@octapod.org

April 23, 2010

Poster Girl

Michelle Brodie

new drawings and works on paper

Wed Apr 28 - Sat May 15 2010
Opening Thursday 29 April 2010, 6-8pm

Michelle Brodie has been exhibiting locally since 2000. Following her first solo show at PODspace Gallery in 2009 (Incognito), where she explored the notion of disguise through figurative observations at Bar Beach, Brodie has continued her interest portraiture.

In this exhibition of new work, Brodie reflects on a question she has asked herself for some time now: “If I could invent myself, what would I look like?”

In thinking about this she has experimented with forms that relate to how she feels within. The images in this exhibition are self-portraits of a silent poster girl with the solitary sense of sight as a guide. The imaginary heads represent what is hidden and show the inner experience behind the outer appearance.